Hello and Welcome! I think we are all still learning the rules to some degree. Especially now that a new army book has come out we all find...
"At the start of the first turn of a combat, each such unit can choose which of their weapons to use (the entire unit must use the same weapon,...
Welcome =) I hope you are enjoying Warhammer at least as much if not more than 40k! A friend of mine is also about to get back into the hobby as...
We are in disagreement. This has noting to do with common sense. I can't believe that for once a rule is written so clearly and because you dont...
and if you continue the quote you see that; "Once a game, during the Remaining Moves segment of the Movement phase, a unit of Terradon Riders may...
Not sure why they cant? Terradons can drop rocks on any unit they have moved over in that Phase. Phase being the Movement Phase. Which if they...
Don't get me wrong, I would love for it to be a Breath Weapon. It doesn't seem unresonable to imagine it working that way either. Till I can say...
I am not so sure it is in this case. I agree that if you have a character not in a unit then Terror is always better than Fear. When the character...
You are right! I was reading it top to bottom. Sorry about that guys. I still believe its 2 wounds max due to no combining.
If the Slann is causing Terror/Fear and not his unit then an enemy unit wishing to charge the Slann's unit will most likely not require a...
Where does it say this? The Rulebook doesn't mention that Spout Flames is a breath weapon so there for it isnt. Good logic. I agree. It doesn't...
How does the Bane Head activate before an unsaved wound? You select (or curse if you will) a single enemy character at the start of the game. Only...
Whilte the stone look is great you can barely read the name on it. Can you place some colour in the wording? light effect? or outlinging the...
It says it penetrates ranks in the same manner as a bolt thrower. That is all it says. In the movement phase only can the Stegadon move, pivot....
It would be extremely stupid, which is why you would use it to make a unit Stubborn instead.
WRB pg 19 The Movement Phase > 1 Declare Chargers - Declaring Charge Responses - Stand & Shoot "if the chargers start their charge beyond the...
Anyone for a bulk purchase to lower the cost?
My local GW stored still has a bag of the special edition dice. You need to purchase 1 old lizardmen item to receive 1 dice or a new item to...
For the above two reasons, I think its pretty clear that a Character riding a Terradon can Drop Rocks.
"... a unit of Terradon Riders may ..." Is a Skink Chief on a Terradon a unit of Terradon Riders?