first pics done 7 like this in 2 hrs
But crimsontide how do you know they were working together, maybe the assassin didn't strike?? I think that you are the assassin so without...
I pledge to paint my stegadon and 20 saurus
Your not being a pain at all new players are always welcome at this forum (I'm reasonably new to WHFB and i got a warm welcome) firstly cut off...
Re: Do you have too... Sorry for double post didn't realise i had done it sorry again
Do you have too build your army with what you see is what you get because some of my saurus have spears and others have HW.
Do you have too build your army with all hand-weapons or all spears depending on how you are going to run them or does it not matter, because some...
What's the link???
yer what everyone else said skinks like loads 70-80 is probably about right if you go all skinks or maybe 30 if not Scarveteran is good too...
i would split the skinks into 3 or four units other than that it looks like a strong list
don't post individual points costs skink priest needs some magic items, maybe Diadem of power or rod of storm no champs in Saurus units not worth...
Oh and im GMT + 0
Colthan woke up and yawned god that was good then he remembered what had happenend the day before, losing sauruswarrior was tragic. Who would want...
sorry i got 3 done :( ill try to do better next time
Falkirk, Scotland
Oldblood w/ Carnosaur, LA, Shield, Blade of revered Tzunki, Glyph necklace 56 saurii w/ spears, Musician, Standard bearer 50 saurii w/ spears,...
Oh must have missed that bit when i was reading, that will be pwnage on the battlefield
Really nice painting!!! what did you use for the base it looks awesome :)