Well I would post some but not sure how too so please help
I am starting to paint my models and I am going to be posting some pics up soon, my color scheme is Black with red scales gold weapons and neutral...
This one
I suspect Lord Craken that you are the assassin so I Vote: Craken
*Craken moved over to the table interested in the seriousness that has finally come through the men* Lord Craken, I wonder were you worried about...
Something that happened to me was he charged his Elyrian Reavers into me in a big line so I could only Kill one at a time :(
Re: new list against Vampire counts this weekend. PLZ CRITIQUE right then. Firstly I would make the TG up to 16 to make frontage five with slann...
This is getting out of control we must search and find this assassin. So Aranigej, who do you think is the assassin.
Other color schemes?
Help I don't know how to do this Thanks in advance
I hide nothing from my "hic" friends. Vote:abstain
@skinker we are playing at 2000 points. The thing about high elves is tha always strike first rule I think that makes them over powered because...
The two main armies I am going to be playing against are HE&WoC I need help on what to take. The high elf player might take a dragon and pheonix...
We need to search for the assassin and have Him Executed but first as is always the rule we need to have a drink Come Craken and all the rest......
when you go on the website click on War-hammer then animated army-lists go into Lizard-men and then Lizard-men army generator :)
If possible I would add 2 saurii on to that unit, and get rid of one skirmisher so there are 10
I use It works for me
Thanks everyone for the help I now have some dettol and I will try it out when I get back from my holiday, Sunday evening thanks again
OOC I am sorry, but I have to go on Holiday I will be back sunday evening.