but are there not ways you can improve your chance to hit with poison attacks from a 6+ to a 5+ somehow? or is that only restricted to OnG?
i have only got to field kroxigar once and they lost combat (was charged by ethereal) they fled and were caught and wiped out without ever getting...
I like the trogladon but my first kit i built a carnosaur as i read up and most people said build it , i later bought the thunder beast host and...
wow that sounds beefy as hell , 18 krox w/ slann w/lore of life ha ha ha nice
i would normally go beasts, high or life (light when vs undead) but i cast my vote to life as it has saved my bacon a few times now when it really...
i voted for putting him a unit of rippers, sound like a great idea (and no one ever expects much from skinks in CC)
a slann with lore master and life magic w/ 1 or 2 lvl 2 SP both beast magic minimum amount of core thats required to be legal, a trogladon w/DR...
or you are foolish enough to charge Gor-Rok :D
what about chatax in the unit of TG and challenge the shit out of him if he refuses he can't attack with grimmer right? plus and unsaved wounds...
i second this , love the advice on this site. makes me wanna play a game everyday lol
i don't have any of my WFB stuff in front of me atm as I'm on holiday but i made a 2500 its list a while back that in included: scar vet on...
On of my all time fav shows
no worries thanks a lot
i love Gor-Rok , he is by far one of the best heroes we have. my first game i played with him he was charged by a unit hex wraiths and they failed...
i was going to get a dread saurian but i could not find the rules for it anywhere so decided not to buy one, if you could show me in the right...
I'm still toying with the idea of building a dual carno list, but i wasn't sure if it was viable or not but from reading this post it is quite...
nvm im an idiot :P
it says in the army book you can't have tette'eko in the same unit as kroxigar, so does that not make that list illegal?
i didn't even think you could put 2 slanns in the one bunker thats a bit broke lol
i mainly play 8th with my group , and i didn't have a trogladon when we were playing AoS. i have fielded both options in 8th (i don't understand...