It can be if you play it right! I placed a skink patrol (2 x units of chameleons, 1 x unit of rippers, 1 x Priest) on the table and beefed it up...
It depends on what the intent is. I brought one of each to a battle and I must say that they performed as planned. The Stegadon picked at targets...
I must say you are definitely making the Lizardmen look good!
Looking good!!! :cool: Very nice model. :cool:
Your conversions are looking great! Can't wait to see the models once painted.
I agree with Nightbringer!!! This guy looks awesome the way it is. Put the banner on the other one.
I would love to put those models in the center of every army I ever put on a table if possible! email at
We decided to start with a model count. In this case 60 to 70 models. From there we agreed 2-3 heroes sounded about right. 4-5 monsters or...
This is great news for our shooting units but not so good news when our Lizards fight a shooting army. One of my regular adversaries is Chaos...
They did not look that big until you see a Saurus siting on it! Love the idea and the model!
Instead of a time limit, you might want to consider 3 – 4 rounds. I’m not sure about the two generals. It will quickly turn into a character...
A scenario that my friends and I are going to try is two smaller armies against a larger army. The defending army tries to hold as long as...
My friend and I wanted to play this past weekend so we put some models on the table. I of course my Lizards and my friend his (darn) chaos...
Am I missing something? Why would you use Inspiring Presence on a hero or any one model unit? I mean, nothing says you can’t but why would you?
Under the main rules it says that wizards can cast arcane bolt, mystic shield, and any spells listed on their warscroll. Looking at the Lizardmen...
Provided you have multiple Slanns on the table, I don’t see why mystic shield would not stack. Piggybacking of your line of logic, the rules does...
Yes, the Oldblood can have a maul, warblade, war-spear, or a greatblade. In addition he always has the jaws and shield attack. So depending on...
The way I read it if a unit of skinks have boltspitters and moonstone clubs the get one shooting attack and two melee attacks (all available...
The difference would be in the charging/combat phase. If the other army has no shooting and no artillery, you are golden. They have to go through...