IRC was my initial idea and we did try it (but for some reason couldn't get the bloody Q bot, we were on the Quakenet server). If you wanna get...
Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy your time here :)
Ok I've got something up and running, you have to register to chat, check it out!
Hey man welcome to the site, hope you enjoy your stay here :)
ok made the forum and moved those threads you linked there. If there's any others then let someone know and we can get those moved as well :)
Agreed, I'll have a look see what other boards are using :)
Dead forums are no good either. But if you can get three people to either start a regular paintlog, or show me three existing active ones then...
I'm in the south east of the UK, and so far we haven't had any; although it's very cold! :( I hate snow!
Sounds like a pretty sensible idea to me
jeri ryan > harrison ford
It's weird, 3 years ago I would have said exactly the same thing. But then I watched a few episodes, then a few more, then I was hooked.
Love the THREE star wars films, but you can't beat a bit of trek :)
Welcome! :)
Glad you found us, hope you enjoy it here :)
Welcome to the site :)
Welcome aboard! :)
Host the pic somewhere and add the url beween the pic tags :)
This thread is over two years old. Feel free to start a new one though if you fancied running a game. :)