thanks another thing learned today =)
i have no idea where to find it but i know that all lizardmen players in know play them as having swiftstride, yesterday i played a game where my...
hmmm i was like maby we can play a game some time but that is a prity far travel ;P
so where in in the netherlands do you live? i live near den-bosh =)
lol i am not really saying anything usefull in this command but just wanted to tell yorrick1191 that he is the first dutch person i see on this...
this is a long discussion i always take ancient stegadon for the simple reason that he is not much more expensive he has STR6, higher armour...
okay thanks all to bad the multiply wounds only works on units with more then one wounds else it would be fun to do a thunderstomp (carnosaur is a...
so i wanted to play with a carnosaur because always using a slann is boring and because the model is awesome, but i had 2 questions. 1. if i...
his varghalf has reganeragtion might be worth it to do any fire atack on him ;P personaly i like to give a slann lore of death spam his general...
I supose this is a picture from the offical warhammer site with some releases of the new tomb kings, I am nearly 100% positive that are ushtabi's...
was already thinkin about that but ment more like how to do that maby some item sugestions or so ;P
so next week I am going to play a 2000 or 2400 game against high elves and since I se some topic about high elves here I hoped some more...
okay thanks i was already wondering that for the first time maby it is easy for you guys but my english is not very good ;P so thanks
when the rulebook talks about - 1 to hit is it like a you normally hit on a 4 then you hit on a 5 or is it like you normally have WS 5 now you...
but with T2 there is a chance that your enemy will get a 5+ for killing 5 skinks from his rear ;P
totday i heart that tombkings will be in may
cool great job btw ;P
where are those shoulder plates from the saurus from? it are some sort of wings right?
i use a SV with: shield, hide of the cold once and that is prity much it, where to put him? i use this build to make the unit and himself imume...
thanks, it just sounded a little bit to good to be real ;P just like the focused rumination I just didn't use it because I tough i red something...