if i have a unit of temple guards with a slann and the slann has a BSB and the temple gaurds have a war banner would i get 3+ combat result?
how does shooting against skrox work d, is it like rolling dices 1-3 kroxigors and 4-6 skinks or what?
awesome sharpshooter skinks =)
all people in my class are adicted to black cobs the only call of duty i like is MW1 XD
ohhh another thing tomb kings can't suffer a miscast ofso i don't rember what it was but if tomb kings can't suffer a miscast then i can't give...
yes i forget to tell that but it makes it even worse, btw i don't have my armybook on me but if i use cupped hands and there is no wizzard in...
so i tryed out lore of light like 30 mins ago well first magic turn i wanted to do a magic spell i think it was speed of light on a saurus unit...
omg that is so nice done i wish it was my army XD
maby a skink chief on a teradon with a blowpipe, to bad you don't have teredon riders to put him in ;P
sorry dude i would like to join but i am not going to make a facebook account just to join the group XD
thanks i don't have it on me but i will have a look at it when i'm home ;P
i don't think so XD
when i am reading this i am just wondering: does a skink chief on a Terradon get a drop rock special rule?
ok so just under 1500 points you take very less of them and 2000 or higher you take prity much of them (just to keep it short ;p)
where do you guys she that pyramide because i can't find it....
well thanks dude i was just wondering: in how many points you take how many Chameleon Skinks and Terradons? so for instans at: 500 points 1000...
lol evry time i am like i am tierd of painting my army i go to those painting topics and then i am like i gona paint and get as good as those people!
lol if you use lore of death and you get the big template purple sun on your temple gaurds and slann you lost the game XD
and afther all he did not do anything in your game where you did win in the first turn XD
thanks for remanding me, my little brother plays demons of chaos so there is some chancce that he will use it already afther 2 games ;P