not if the temple gaurds get outflankt and just 1 scar vet will be able to help ;P ohhh nevermind if you are smart you may let them make way in...
i think i would take 5x 18 then you put just your base line of 4x18 in front and where you want to place your slann you give him the 18 saurus...
awesome can you maby tell me what spell are the best and what onces are not so good i'm kind of not very expirienced with warhammer ;P btw lore...
ok thanks
so the highest strength but i was wondering if the slann casts strength test fails who gets the hits the slann or TG, and may you make a look out sir?
i played with some differend magic lores in 8th edition and now i wanted to try out the lore of light, because the speed of light sounds to me...
yes in the old rule book i don't know when they changed it, between now and the 5th rulebook but sometime ago undead where imiume to posion ;P
if you use a slann and play with 1200 points you can just put in a BSB it is ALWAYS worth the 25 points if you use a slann anyway
jup you can use regrowth for that but not lifebloom.
it can be usefull to kill a ememy lord if he with the thunderstomps ;P, if the skink priest survives 1 close combat till the end. or if your...
an other lizardmen player at the club chalanged a hero with his skink chief on the ancient stegadon and he said he might use the stegadon in the...
lore of death is awesome but i never use it with lizardmen sinde i don't want my slann and temple gaurds to get a purple sun on them when i roll a...
just keep in mind that they are very week against war machines yesterday 2 stegadons died because of 2 cannonbals from dwarf cannons =(
like where i just made a some fast changes in his list and i was like hmm there the last points could go.....
i can make one, or i'm gona have much luck or am gona lose XD (shit happends ;P)
i would make it something like this: Heroes Skink priest lvl 2,cloak of feather Core 20 saures warriors, spears, full command Special 8...
still don't know when we do this....
i don't know what army you are going to fight but looks like i fine list to me.
like i sad you can't put him in didn't say you can't put him at the side.....
ok thanks i will tell the guy who told me otherwise that he was lying ;P