i would take the first list just because you don't have temple gaurds in your 2nd list
yes, you can't put the slann in a unit with differnd sizesof the base look at page 98 of the warhammer rulebook
1 word for all pics: awesome
lol, if i use net of amyntok from the lore of light on his casket of souls does he have to make a strenght test every spell he makes? if not i...
I can read that tomorow is the last day to join but when will we you know realy fight?
if i play against a tomb kings player and i want to distroy his casket of souls realy bad, what lore shout i take?
if you put your TG 5 models wide and like 4 deep with a slann mage priest the 2nd and 3rd rank just have 4 infanti models then it won't get a rank...
so..... i lost XD, i played 3X against him now 1st time he had 2000 points i had 0. 2nd he had 1500 points i had 330. this time he had 602...
so what happends without luck
i have seen plenty of people and it did work out well with a friend of mine (demons of choas)
like already sad i would say ancient stegadon and some skinks or skink skirmishers, maby you can take one or 2 srac-vetrans for the saurus blocks?
@the-graven where in the netherlands do you live?
the war will start over 32 hours i will post how it did go afther that here ;P
ohhhh yeah! i am dutch to!!!! :meh: so lets get to bussiness: great thinkig with the skinks, i didn't think about using them in such a way yet...
bick blogs will get toost because of his skull catapults they can trow much times becofre saurus warriors are at him with movement 4 ;P nice you...
well first off all i want to ask if a friend or so did help you with your list because else you gona be an awesome player then this would be an...
realy awesome to se that you can have 4 strong heroes for less then 400 points XD
i just found insipation: use a saurus oldblood with a cold one, armour of fortune, bane head and dawnstone. it would give you a great armour...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog (Image Intensive) realy nice painted, you own me with painting ;P in the list you made you could still put...
sorry about the mistaces with the inpact hits and thunderstump that is poisned as I already sad i ment the gaint blowpipes, if stomps where...