If I'm right their I sucks, take a slann with Lore of Death for Purple Sun, that will teach him that cheeze will be handled with cheeze, I don't...
sorry for the bad spelling i can't help it got dyslexia and that combinated with a diffrend language makes it inposible for me to spel good.........
where is the rod of storm I can't find it? it is in the lizardmen army book page 102 at arcan items
i think it is because you can kill 6 britona horses in one shot because it does not matter if your strenght drops -1 for every rank ;P
so you will just make one hit in the hole game? and i was wondering it pierces ranks so if you make a poision shot are all models you hit hit by...
thats why i sad that about the rod of strom, may an character with no mage use a bound spell?
i didn't have that problem yet but nice to be warned for it anyway ;p
The EOTG is terrible in 8th. well i tryed it out some times now and your right, i do find it very usefull when fighting a army with 80% schooting...
Salamanders should be split up inte 2 or 3 groups as been said before. More targets on more locations equals more panic-tests and bigger problems...
if you have BS 3 from skink crew and you fire with it you will probly move so it will be a -1BS for moving most time you will also have a -1BS...
well if you ask me about experince i still say ancient stegadon because the last time i used it i was not only able to break the unit that was...
i would also say use a ancient stegadon just look at my name duhhh, well bebause it has higher safes it has 1 more strengt wich as sad is verry...
i found it your right thanks this is realy usefull to know
if you take a skink priest you could take a cloak of featers and a rod of storm that way you will allways have a spell that is very strong vs...
if the orc and goblin guy uses war machines you could also try camelion skinks ;P
Remember that you don't need to deploy within 12" of his warmachines. Chameleon skinks can march and double tap at long range and still get poison...
thanks, i also red at an other topic 5 mins ago that camelion skinks could be usefull =) anyway thanks again in 5 days i will fight him again...
to bad you can't use that against a camping tomb king player because he always hits on 5+
ok so there is a guy at our local game club and no one can ever defeat him he is using, 6 usaties (or how ever you spell it). 60 archers so he...
i will also join ;P Character name: saurus oldblood Character type (i.e., Prince, Scar-Veteran): oldblood Army (i.e., Dark Elves, Skaven): lizardmen