sounds very awesome but i'm just wondering how are we going to fight eachother i mean i don't know were you guys live but we can't fight in real...
just so you know you can only use the rod at the start of your magic face
how can you have a skink priest and an ancient stegadon and still put a skink priest in a army of skinks!!!!
well i don't know wye you say javlins sinds i always use plowpipes, they can hit 2x and most of the time still benifit from te possion rule
i would say that if you take a stegadon put the skink priest on an ancient stegadon ;P
well. its funny to me that even blowpipes are not listed in the new rule book. they have javelins but not blowpipes. any body else realize that?...
i also havn't seen this topic yet, i think you did a great job i shows good how awesome cold-boolded is ;P
i would say put atleast a scar vetran a unit of saurus warriors and i always give saurus warriors spears to give them that extra rank sinds they...
i play warhammer for like 2 weeks and starting to learn the game, my friends play orcs and goblins and warriors of choas. what would be a good...