based on my experience, 5 cold one cavalry are too few (especially against big units, which are common in O&G) and more than 5 are too expensive....
running a slann solo is very unsafe. you can have resistance to non-magical attacks, but you will lose combat to a ranked unit anyway. then fail...
obviously, you can't take the slann, chakax or kroq gar for 1K. I use to field 1 oldblood and 1 L2 priest. then some 2 salamanders, a big block...
not such a good idea IMO. steg will be pierced by balista (which will not be bothered by chams, if I read correctly), skrox will get punctured by...
but based on 8th rules, if the model has anything else on top of it's HW, it will always use that, instead of the HW. so the COC will always use...
indeed, you are right! 1 mystery solved :)
to get "look out, sir!", the character needs to be in a unit with at least 5 other rank-and-file models of the same troop type. that would be a...
they don't get to stomp, as there are no stomps against WMs. I think it was discussed in the forum several times.
I have to say, that the priest proved very useful to me several times. I wouldn't say that heavens sucks in a 1K games. in bigger games, of course...
this is what I had against a similar HE force and it wiped their pointy ears: Saurus Oldblood 1 sw of hornet, glit.scales,...
you can also understand the screen as presenting multiple targets. when the balista is on a hill, your skinks won't screen the saurus from...
yes, they can. the book says they can drop rocks on a unit, over which they moved in the movement phase. it doesn't specify they can't march...
how many salamanders did you have in your list against him? they just love big blocks of T3 elves :)
regrowth is an augment spell, which needs to target a unit. when a unit is completely destroyed, it no longer exists, so you can't target it.
note: great reach no longer exists.
hm, that's interesting, never thought about that.... the book says they use LD instead of S when rolling to wound with CC attacks, ignoring any S...
the skinks should be raised last, as the multi-wound model needs to be healed to full first.
what do you guys think about the following: immunity to fire gives a model/unit complete immunity against flaming attacks. consider the Burning...
1-you can only use magic resistance against damage caused by spells. as this is not a spell, but a magical attack, you can't use it for this (same...