no salamander? :D but really - it could be devastating in a 0,5K game you should really reconsider the cold one, having your only CC unit fail a...
you may aim the template at any unit in the front arc of the salamander. the whole template needs to be in the front arc, with the narrow end...
why should it be? it is a legal action.
definitely take rumination for the slann. consciousness can help as a workaround against non-magical attacks, when you want to run the slann...
I manufactured my table myself. of course, it is nowhere that nice as the GW on, includes no built-in terrain (which is actually good IMO), but it...
any1 counted the total pts killed by a sallie in a battle? bring out the numbers! :D
depends... don't forget the vanguard move. even if they get shot at - that's 1 less shooting on salamanders or chameleons.
against O&G you will mostly face big units, even hordes. the 5 COC don't have a chance of winning combat against those. so you already have only 1...
those COC will go down quickly against O&G. I would do the following: - remove COC - upgrade the priest to L2, give him plaque of tepok or diadem...
I would drop the skrox and put some skirmishers and/or terradons inside instead. terradons can kill some swordmasters with their stones and do...
yes and it is OK to do so. you may even end up hitting both. there is nothing to frown upon, it is completely legal.
very nice painting. the only improvement I can think of: paint my army as well :D many of the poor lizards run around 2+ years with a white...
the spell is Okkam's mindrazor and it clearly says the models in the unit use THEIR LD. so you are right, no army general around has any influence...
it's quite interesting, how well some poison can affect undead, isn't it ? :D
but then you would have to use some silly counters or so to keep track of the wounds and attacks :D BTW my O&G friend complained about this...
based on my observation in several games, the parry save kicks in quite often and is very good against higher S attacks. and you save the points...
check out this on posting images
IMO it would be so, if that effect was granted, not on a 4+ roll of a D6
that would be just 1 case. another would be skrox units - what about those?
welcome to the jungle ;) you can get some lizards quite cheap on ebay - mainly older models of saurus and skinks. from the more expensive ones,...