thanks for correcting me. I need to talk to some HE general, who kept convincing me this is only for characters ;)
Nevertheless, against a template using WM, the same unit would still last longer in the field, than in the building.
WMs don't necessarily have a limited effect on buildings (at least the ones who use templates). the unit takes D6 hits, but if the template...
concerning upgraded weapons, I think the rule you mentioned only applies to characters, who have a magic weapon. If I am not mistaken, normal...
I didn't say it was going to be easy ;) but it is well possible
the point is to avoid getting that unit in.
that is not correct. u need to have a unit of at least 5 wide with 2 ranks attacking the flank/rear to cause disruption (cancel rank bonus)
you are talking about games over 1K, right? because if u can't bring a slann, a L2 priest with Heavens is just fine. I agree there is no sense to...
I disagree about watchtower being a bad scenario (well, except for bretonnia - but they took a big hit in general with 8th). it is just different...
tell them to check page 77 of the rulebook. a character that joins a skirmisher unit gains the skirmisher rule, as long as he stays with them (the...
you can hide them in units of skink skirmishers. that will protect them from ranged attacks (just avoid CC :) ). you can upgrade them to L2 - I...
the book says the model loses a wound, instead of suffers a wound, so I would say no ward save at all.
if the canons are not magical (which I think the're not - only dwarves have those), you could run a lone slann with higher state of consciousness.
that steg will go down quickly. I would rather include more salamanders, possibly even cavalry (although I don't like them much :) ) they will...
1 more question in that case: what happens, if they hit a unit, which is let's say 2" from the building. how would you place them then? place them...
not sure what you mean by a boost to stupidity, but I failed the roll twice in 2 games...
which takes the points cost even higher. a solution to an unnecessary problem, I think. not to mention, that you want your BSB somewhere in the...
makes no sense to give him the horned one. if u want to make him more mobile, give him the cloak of feathers, which gives him flying, which means...
the point here is, that they start the move in the building. rules for buildings say, that even units with frenzy can't charge out of the...
I usually play against HE and O&G, so WS4 and either T4 or ASF. tried to field a chief but he just got his lizard ass kicked every time... and...