as salamanders are skirmishers, they can now march & fire, which is brutal :)
played a nice game against HE today, the scenario was Watchtower. my skink priest had Uranon's thunderbolt, chain lightning and iceshard...
you can check out the skinks here. I used copper wire...
didn't you think about a L2 priest instead of the chief. I know, he's more expensive, but can be very nasty in small games at the same time he...
I wouldn't be too concerned about the old models (as long as the base size is right, no one really should be). maybe you could get some problems...
drop rocks :)
a nicely written report. a pity that you couldn't finish the fight. just 1 question on lizards turn 3 - you rallied and reformed the fleeing...
IMO they are too expensive for what they do. and stupidity is nasty (even with cold blooded).
I've just checked - you are right - thx for correcting me. the character needs to be the same troop type as the unit. while mounted, he is...
I love the old sallies models. the new ones look like they don't misfire too often (they are skinny, as they don't eat too much) :) I just don't...
skink poisoned shooting on abomination, salamander to toast the infantry blocks (and force panic tests for the ones without frenzy). not sure...
the good side is the increased AS and +1 cold1 attack in challenges (in CC, the attack equals out with the 1 missing supporting attack). the BIG...
if you are facing war machines, stegs are dead meat, as they are priority targets. with some luck, a steg can go down in 1 catapult hit. people...
Edgar Allan Poe nah, should have been Lovecraft. I keep confusing those 2 :)
standard shooting rules say, that all models in a unit must shoot at the same target. there is no special rule for the salamander to change this =...
check Pursuit into a new enemy (p 58 as well). you didn't overrun the giant - you caught it after he broke from combat.
good question. the book says when the monster is removed, so are it's handlers. if the unit consists of several monsters and several handlers, my...
well, if it all happened in 1 round of CC (not completely clear from your post), it seems you violated several rules. if it was in 2 rounds, you...
I would rather take the Sword of hornet for the hero, drop the bane head and stick a musician to the saurus unit.
I play a block of 30 with HW+shields (5x6) and it proved quite good against pretty anything (including sustained stone thrower & doom diver...