I have to say, that the parry save helped me quite often. also, with bigger units, spears can get expensive.
depends on how are you going to use it. I think its strength is not in combat, but in using the EOTG for warding against shooting and for burning...
i think an ancient steg with EOTG is worth the points. any other steg build isn't.
use chameleon skinks (deployed as scouts behind his lines) to kill the cannons or to tie them up in close combat. use the EOTG to provide a ward...
can someone provide a link to a good WOC forum? I have a friend who started a WOC army and would like to help him to get up to speed quickly (and...
I would agree with applying the ward save, as the zzap is still the same weapon, no matter if fired from range or in CC.
some of his features look cool, but in the end it's a waste of points IMO. for 300 you get 2 decent scar-vets, or something else - you name it....
CC is clear - you don't randomize there, you can just try to move an unsaved wound to a handler (but without any save for the handler - you have...
if you opponent has ASF, your I doesn't matter. and against opponents without ASF, you get the aforementioned reroll, which I agree is limited to...
1 more question on this topic: the Lizardmen book says: randomize missile and impact hits: 1-4 hits salamander, 5-6 hits crew. how is this...
it will help until you get a challenge
I completely disagree. Reroll hits against I3 and lower is not worth 10 points. Yes I know the Hydra has I2. it is not just the re-roll. it is...
the veteran can be useful, but give him the sword of hornet instead (ASF). I think the 10 ranked skinks are a viable choice as well - can be used...
I've heard that tomb kings are really different from other armies and you need to do some good thinking while constructing that army and playing...
that was 7th. check the ASF rule in the 8th book.
put some chameleon skinks on those balistas. HE will usually have too few units to cover the whole potential deployment zone for scouts. skrox...
recently we came upon the following question: if a charged unit declares a flee reaction and is not caught, is the charge a failed charge (i.e....
the 13th is not a magic missile. the shield is really not very useful, due to the "magic missile" limitation.
I bought almost all my lizards (with a few exceptions I got as gifts) on eBay. I got loads of warriors and skinks for a very good price, then...
I am also building a 1,5K force and took focused rumination, becalming cogitation, and a divine plaque of protection for the Slann. higher state...