even 1 more reason to use chameleons instead of terradons (now, when I bought 2 of them flying lizards recently) :shamefullyembarrased:
the Lizardmen book says the salamander may move and fire. marching is not mentioned. I think in the old Lizardmen FAQ it said, that the salamander...
stegadon is a monster (see page 485 of main rulebook). all monsters have thunderstomp (page 85 of the rulebook).
wow, I like those moves! must be random moves (probably 3D6 at least... :) )
in the Runesmiths/anvil section - not sure if it is the latest book, though :)
yes, that might be the case with some scenarios. but we are getting away from the initial question - is the steg worth the points? I say no and...
note that any clever player with war machines will deploy in a manner, which doesn't give you a decent spot to place the scouts.
the dwarf book says the runelord is "casting runic spells" using power dice provided by the anvil. based on that, those are spells.
terrain isn't so much help, as only hills and buildings can block LOS now (with the "thick" 8th forests :) ). on top of it, stone throwers can...
hi guys. although my opinion about the "basic" steg (with giant bow) was not very high in 7th, now it seems it is even less useful in 8th. As you...
the eye of the gods rule says, that duplicate gifts always need to be re-rolled. so if the target unit already has e.g. stupidity caused by a...
thanks. confirmed what I thought. I didn't think about charging with the stupid unit - the rules are clear there, just wanted to confirm, when...
interesting question :) my take is, that the salamander returns to normal (monster reaction results cease to apply), as the handlers take control...
I am a bit confused about when to move models who fail their stupidity test. would it be in the Start of turn phase, or the in the Compulsory...
then take the lore of death. there were some good posts in the forum on it lately. I don't think you stand a chance with just skinks and no Slann...
stomps always strike last
yea, BSOS is good, but I wouldn't rely on it. can be dispelled easily.
a suicide skink chief with cloak of feathers and sword of hornet maybe could do the job. he would strike simultaneously with the elves. or give...
don't forget that you can have 25% pts in your lord + another 25% in heroes. that will allow you to take 1 oldblood and 2 skink priests, or 1...
the Glittering scales is a nice light armor with -1 to hit in CC. however, you couldn't use the maiming shield with it. I use the scales, the...