you get what you pay for here if you want to spend that much you'll probably make it back imidiately if you off a gorgon or arachnarok, not to...
against orcs and goblins i like lore of death, the spell for -3 leadership should ruin anything of thiers and the purple sun floating around at a...
HA! even better or my point. you save on the res items and still get that 2+ ward. dwellers is harsh especially to the right people but again it...
honestly i like death depending on who i'm playing, here's why: I have a loremaster slann who is ethereal (I don't have temple guard), has the...
you could get a second hero in there somewhere, thats pretty easy to afford financially and it wouldn't hurt to beef up a unit. I like heroes...
oh come on now nova, we have all the lumberjack/eskimo/natives thing going, and we can ride moose!
You'll hear no complaint from me. :D
what you could do is wash them and then do your highlighting so the wash only stays in all the cracks that way you don't lose vibrancy and in fact...
I think for a first paint job it shows alot of promise. My first jobs were not nearly as good, of course i was 10 or so, that may be why, but know...
hmm if you look at our rise to the top we moved in the exact same pattern on our respective tree side...
Excellent round, i make money and won my part. and seemingly both rounds were easily won! *High fives Xlcontiqu* Congrats to my lizardmen...
same deal, misdterms are rough...
me too all on the empire hero.
well i'm glad i made it. it was a scary round but congrats to my opponent for being a good sport. Looks like i'm up against the lizard. i think...
well it'd be poor faith not to bet on myself, i'll throw the whole lot on me.
I'm pretty happy with that result I figured it'd take a long time for a winner to emerge since that chaos lord was tough. Glad it was me though...
i'm excited to see how the second bit fares.
Canada too :)
I really do love the steg he's my first painted lizardmen model, and im really proud of that. He's not alot of points and he does draw off alot of...
the cavalry arent set in stone and i don't have the models either way so i'd have to get some. The steg i like, ancient or no, possibly even...