So far it`s looking like i`m going with a chunk of 5 cavalry and my reg-adon.
engine stegs are great to have, they give good protection, and dish out pain too but it all depends on how much it's worth to you. In smaller...
The BSB is a battle standard bearer, better for combat res, and rolling leadership issues etc, its a point higher than 2 spear saurus to have one....
Hey guys I'm writing up a decent 2k list here's what i have so far roughly slann, lore of life, the usual kits. scar vet with 1+ re-roll save...
nice to see the reg-adon doing good here, i've been hesitant about using one so far. how many points was this game?
Wood elves were my first army so maybe i can help out. They can move fully and shoot no penalty and at str 4 for glade guard at short range no...
i like a skink on a terradon to have the sun standard, that makes your unit stupidly hard to hit, it's a -3 all the time before cover. Your...
They can buy poison immunity armour at least.
I've had to re-tailor my characer like 3 times and have to pick a dance every round, I can definately say I owe you some patience here.
If you could use his BS, which reasonably you should, i would always take one, why not? you hit on like 2+ with a bolt thrower, and you get a...
you sure? it's weapon skill isn't double the vampire +1 and glittering scales only gives -1 so you'd be looking at 5 to hit. unless the greyback...
So I was looking in the book about wether or not a skink chief can lend his sweet balistic skill to the crew, and I didn't see anything saying he...
yes sure its a nasty thing but as i am going for lore of beast i dont think its that good as your slann will just miscast and then die..... Not...
Aw that sucks, opefully e's back up and running i'm sure everyone is just salivating for results. as per fighting against Mr.T I'd be more than...
same deal. Oshawa.
YAY fellow Canadians, and here I thought I was all alone! I play VC, WE, and newly Lizards. Nice meeting ya, virtually anyway. My sister is living...
exactly. you don't need it per se, but it really covers all the bases, only thing hurting this guy without a 2+ ward is a combat magic attack and...
heres a clip from a slann build i LOVE that i wrote up i think it'd be great for you. I made it to mangle elves but skaven should suffer just fine...
thats true but i'd hav to give up that 2+ ward to shooting i so love. the salamander battery is actually working really great nothing gets through...
The counts have pleanty of ways of getting a pile of attacks but the worst by far is the suffering they can put ogres through. red fury+...