haah i think we all might be, but if i win we can all keep up the dance puns.
I play VC too and in a zombie unit i never forego my musician just because of that.
Mine isn't the type to play but she does favour my wood elves too. Maybe that army appeals to women more???
Exactly and if he dosent die outright he regains a wound for having cast a life spell :)
I can't ever help but picture the thriller dance.
whoo i just edited my post about what dance to use since i realied my previous choice was useless... the chaos lord is a pain to dance against, i...
chaos lord eh? sounds like i'd better be rocking the extra attack dance, followed by the ward dance, stopping my killing blow, well uh... blows,...
wood elves were my first army and i used some pretty good tactics that turned my opponent upside down.... first off, waywatchers are touchy but...
Exactly! The slann as a race were brought to the world but more were made once they arrived, therefore the elves are the most magically adept...
yeah kindreds are cool the spites needed the alliteration so it all worked out.
we'll get one soon enough people are probably just trying to think up cool builds. it's hard to do, as a wood elf half my stuff is shooting based...
ok i think i got it, sorry to be a pain... Character name: Alariel Character type (i.e., Prince, Scar-Veteran): wood elf highborn Army (i.e.,...
you mentioned things like gifts and vampire powers and such dont count, how does that affect wood elf spites and kindreds?
if we can let sword of anti heroes in as "A" i'm in, i dont't know if it works that way since we drop some words like a, an of, or classification...
aw crap i didnt see the alliteration thing... guess i'm out? conisder this guy for the next regular arena?
Character name: ryan Character type (i.e., Prince, Scar-Veteran): wood elf highborn Army (i.e., Dark Elves, Skaven): wood elves.
Indeed it does, and againt an elf thats around half a unit on average dead!
Great job, this was alot of fun to read, so much i've written up a character of my own, hopefully i'll be able to submit it and am not...
I'm surprised not to have seen a wood elf with the annoyance of netlings, that would have been great. maybe i'll make that guy.... i'm really new...