Dude, that sunbursty shield works AWESOME with the purle. Well done!!! --DF2K
Just rewatched Scott Pilgrim. That's a great film. --DF2K
Probably just going to have to do different coloration patterns. Heh, this just gave me a weird idea. Dress the skink handlers up in "Baby...
I've got some of their grit and static grass and snow. Haven't tried the snow yet but the other stuff is great. --DF2K
I like that base! The flowers that are visible in the grass are a nice touch. What exactly did you use for that? --DF2K
EDIT: Duplicate post. --DF2K
Well, it's gonna be too cold and humid to for the week to continue, but I decided to take some WIP pics. Normally, I don't like showing my models...
That's my problem. I have one of the best looking armies at my LGS (mostly due to the fact that no one else paints their army past a primer), and...
Very nice sir. I've also found that green and purple go surprisingly well together. Keep up the good work! --DF2K
Welcome to the forum! Have a seat, I'll get you a drink. --DF2K
My stegadon's coming along well, but I've hit a snag. It's cold and humid. Can't use my finish spray on my stegadon, and I can't use my primer...
Thanks, at least I know that's 'normal' for Badab black. --DF2K
Currently: Reel Big Fish's "Drunk Again." Wish I was... --DF2K
By scout do you mean his wizard popped out using the Beastmen Ambush rule? If so, he messed up because the beastmen wizzies don't get to do that....
Did I get a bad batch? Is it supposed to stink this bad? Seriously, does anyone else's stink? --DF2K
Is it sad that I just 'Awwwwed' a warhammer mini? Cute baby sally, Shahryar! --DF2K
Where'd ya get the barrels? --DF2K
That's a great conversion. I particularly love the base, and the detail of the scales on the griffons arms! Good work! --DF2K
I've used the pink insolation foam from Menard's (it's a home building/repair/decor shop). I think it's official name is styrospan. EDIT: I lied....
That sounds like a plan, but I'd have to see it a little further along to really throw in an opinion. --DF2K