I thought that orruks are (one of) the army(/ies) where you would not change the general coloration a lot... at least they are called green...
And there's a mushroom! ...always like to point that out!
Nice one!
I hope that I'll somehow manage to finish my goals from last month... :rolleyes:
Well... me, too... and I'm NOT old... if you ask my wife I didn't even reach adulthood...;)
I use GW washes/shades... because I have them... I also have some from Vallejo but prefer to use GW cause the Vallejo stuff dries quite quickly...
All three actually... though I would not have mentioned the last point... we don't want the Klingons to become jealous ...;):vulcan:
And still she beats you on a regular basis... ;):p That one is nice! :cool::bear:
Looking good! And obviously your wife is a bit quicker in painting than you are... judging from the number of painted models posted since I...
I'm actually converting the same model at the moment ... but I'm just turning the flute into a hammer and slightly changing the position of the...
Not going to finish my goals this time... as time is my problem at the moment ... Anyways... progress was made...
I must be mentally not so well... but the effect is great... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Achieved by drybrushing Vallejo's stone wall grey over the...
Also your profile toad looks great
Awesome stuff... I'm kind of speechless... for the moment ... prepare to be asked a lot of questions... later... Great work!
Indeed a nicelnicely painted cruiser. And indeed here are some people from Germany... though rather more all over the place... only @Aginor and...
One of the vamps got a piece of wire stuffed in his behind ... Nice work!
Nice scheme. But I agree with @Crowsfoot ... the red looks a bit too clean... or the shields in general...
Just make sure to not paint a too deep orange... make it similar to the blue on the cold one...
A song of ice and fire... nice idea...
Agreed! Looks great! Nice contrast between skin and scales. You might add some spot highlights to the biggebigger scales but not necessary... I'd...