I am preparing for a no comp tournament at 2500pts and have been considering what tricks and power play setups/moves lizardmen have access. I know...
Lord: Slann BsB- bnner of discipline Rumination Mystery Becalming Cognition Lore of light Cupped hands Heroes: Skink priest Dispel...
More importantly lifebloom and regrowth. Which heals the kroxigor? Regrowth will heal R+F with multiple wounds but does the kroxigor get counted...
I have been thinking of doing pretty much the same list as above but with the slann being life instead of light. Id drop cupped hands and take...
Used it for the first time last night against HE. There was on phase i didnt even have to use my dispel dice. Becalming cog rocks.
Its a nice list. 20 saurus will rock pretty hard in this size gzme. Just remember magic can have a big effect in a game this size. Dont under...
Hey arli i got 20 chameleons in the list. I am going to drop 1 unit of skink skirms and take becalming cog, mask of eee! on scar vet and give...
So, the tournament has no comp, we are allowed one named charcter if we want. Seems to be no PD limits or anything. Also all magic items/gifts/etc...
Hi welcome to lizardmen! I wouldn't buy another box of TG for their points they are expensive. 30 is more than enough for most lists. Instead i...
Well I'll be damned another reason to take jav/shield not that mine get into CC much. Thanks for the correction.
Skirmishers are allowed to move and shoot regardless of wep but they still suffer -1 to hit. Quick to fire weeps on the other hand do not suffer...
I assume we are talking about bloodletters? Thing is they have hatred not frenzy? So ahhh it doesn't matter? Thanks for the help though.
Hello Hello, So I have a tournament coming up that is going to be played all doubles at 1250pts each. My wife is interested in starting to play...
Skink brave upgrade is not another model to the group it is changing one of your original 10 into a brave. Every time you roll your shots you will...
So I managed to pick up 6 raveners worth of bits (completely accidentally, didn't realize what I had till later) for $10. So guess what I did when...
I was thinking of using flesh hounds as my salamanders but I'm slowly convincing my wife to play warhammer (playing her first game tomorrow) and...
I'm playing a game tomorrow at 1500 pts. I don't know what my opponent will have or how competitive we will be playing. So I made the following...
I am definetly thinking, saurus arms and heads. Might skip the legs. Will have to try it out. I was thinking with the termagants, they appear to...
Hey. So as I'm new to big games I am aiming to take a bit of EVERYTHING! well nearly. I just want to play with all the crazy cool models and have...
The warriors looks pretty cool for kroxigors. Just for a quick side track.... Which would make better standard saurus warriors? Termagants or...