I also have unconfirmed reports implicating the perpetrators listed above in various terrorist activities in association with the notorious...
This works great with Razordons. Move in front of an enemy infantry block so your back rank is in range (normally front of unit is ~15" from...
A few minor tweaks I'd consider to your above list: Magic - I've been having a lot of success in 1500pts with 2 Priests and double scroll (well,...
Been playing with a unit of 5 Razors as a pseudo-anvil unit in my 1500pt games and they've been pretty good. they can whittle down their target...
I've been bunkering my slann in a unit of skink skirmishers recently, and with a 2nd unit of skirmishers screening them it both keeps the slann...
The "before combat" section allows for stand and shoot and a set of normal shots (resulting in ~4.5 dead Warriors before combat, hence 13.5...
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed Money's a bit tight for me at the moment (hence didn't put in a pledge) but with Christmas coming up and with the fact...
I actually think Fencers Blades is a viable option. As your not taking expensive armour/ wardsave items it is one of the few ways you can up his...
Just a point in favour of the poison-skink horde, I've been using them with a fair degree of success in my last few games. They do need to be in a...
Re: Dreadgrass's Dastardly Detatchment (2500pts concept list So been tinkering with the list and have come up with 2 new alternative builds, 1st...
Re: Dreadgrass's Dastardly Detatchment (2500pts concept list So, had 2 games with the above list (1500pts) against High Elves, my opponent was...
+1 to Lizardmatts point above. Your combat heros are manoeuvrable and have a small footprint, meaning you can bring them to bear where they're...
Re: Dreadgrass's Dastardly Detatchment (2500pts concept list Got a 1500pt version I should be giving a run against High Elves sometime in the...
Have you thought about running a unit of Razordons in conjunction with the Carnosaurs? They can screen your dinos from cannons and take charges...
Re: Dreadgrass's Dastardly Detatchment (2500pts concept list Been looking at a few options, what do people think of: - Upgrading the 2 Priests...
Re: Dreadgrass's Dastardly Detatchment (2500pts concept list Thanks for the reply Shadoer! re: Camo's - I've grabbed 3 units for their tactical...
Hi all, Tinkering with a list atm and am in need of both general advise and suggestions on what to spend my remaining points on. LORDS - 445pts...
A few additional combo's Im looking at with rippers: 1) character hunting combined with Arcane Unforging Most armies these days seem to be...
Got a few changes I'm considering: 1) Terrodile - I want to make him a bit more differentiated from our other beasties. Everything I've used for...
As another thought for your 200pts, you could maybe look at a single Razordon + 2 unit of 5 chameleon skinks? Main point being the razor will...