I think he's good. He's relatively hard to kill (T6, 2+ save, Resilient), he hits relatively hard (5+ PF and re-rolls to hit sounds like a good...
Whats that in the sky? Is it a terradon? Is it a Ripperdactyl? No! it's SUPERSAUR!!!!!!!
The Blasterdons bound spell could be good against an Abom also, 2D6 S5/6 flaming hits should make it a bit easier to handle. I think the trick to...
Due to the attacks automatically hitting, there is no chance to roll a 6 to hit (poison) so I guess there'd be no point in making it poisoned....
Personally, I don't think I'll be swapping for direct damage/ magic missile spells unless facing a gunline or a very specific threat. I ideally...
I think razors have several small buffs in the new book: - 10 points cheaper (whilst sallies got more expensive) - monstrous beasts (S5 stomp,...
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth I'm kinda against the compasison of "saurus beat skinks in combat so they're better"...
Personally I wouldn't run them in 1000pts. You could only take a max of 3, which doesn't provide enough weight of fire for their role IMO. Also...
It's an interesting concept, 99% sure you can't attach a pipperdactyl/terradon mounted character to a unit though (flying cav rules)
Im planning to use razors in conjunction with stegs. The razors screen, (also potentially stopping cannonballs) shoot and take the charge,...
Or if your not too worried about ethereals, just give him a spear and maybe tack on the Other Tricksters Shard for character-hunting.
I'd also suggest trying to get a BSB in there somewhere, with the generally low LD of skinks, those re-rolls could really come in handy.
So in a somewhat related question, if you were to run a skink chief BSB (1500pts southlandsesque list) how would you kit him?
Re: Leaving out Temple Guards: a viable choice or a bad idea Another downside to the slann being in the TG is they trade in S5 attacks(2...
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth So been tinkering with the concept of poisoned cohorts some more and am looking at...
In a nutshell, none either of the bastiladons abilities are worth his points alone, but if your Solar engine popping the bound spell each turn AND...
Note: I had this written out more eloquently, but my laptop threw a tantrum so you've got the re-written version, sorry! I can agree that...
Agreed that the main reason is to squeeze more dino's into the list, but a chief can also buff his mounts combat potential. Egg of Quango combined...
Hi all, So been tinkering with some lists and checking out what other people seem to be planning and I've noticed everyone seems to be running...
I wasn't a fan of Ripperdactyls either but the more I look at their rules, the more I think if your going to field them, you need multiple unitsof...