No worries! Been running armies with differing footprints for a while so Im pretty brushed up on those rules.
The 2nd paragraph under "Shooting" on page 99 of the BRB explains how to resolve hits with a character of a different unit type within the unit....
Off-topic but yay for mathammer! Presuming no prior damage, there is ~ a 31% chance for a terradon to catch and stop a cannonball. (1/6 chance of...
That's how I read it as well, so combat-reforming to present your rear to whatever your in combat with loses you nothing and gains you that +1 to...
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth For me it really boils down to: If your paying 7 points for your skink which special...
As a skink-based alternative to the Scarnosaur: Skink Chief - Spear, Light Armour, Egg of Quango, Other Tricksters Shard, Enchanted Shield Steg/...
hmm... Nice catch! (I now have an image of a skink trying to encourage a razordon to catch an incoming cannonball in it's mouth... "alright...
Loving the huge Mierce crocodile! Kinda want to get one and build a "howdah" on its back to look like a canoe. Theory being the beastie swims...
Generally speaking, a wizard of any description picks 1 spell lore when their army list is created, and rolls their spells from that lore at the...
Hey all! and a long-time-no-see! To re-introduce myself, I'm Dreadgrass ( :jawdrop: I know right? :jawdrop: ) Former lizards-fan who, with a...
I think EotG's is a good upgrade if your taking the steg anyway, but not worth it just for it's abilities alone. In a list I was tinkering with,...
I'm thinking 5 could be good. harder to get below 25% with concentrated fire, so more feasible outside the general/ BSB bubble, plus fits...
As another point to consider, has anyone thought of what non-arcane items they might be running on a slaan? Weapons: Probably not a lot here but...
I feel re-rolling the dispel dice could be good, but with the bonus dispel dice, and 2 "dispel scrolls", Im not sure we need to put a discipline...
I really think you'll need to either field Razors as single models (more as specialised chaff) or as big units. Larger units unbuffed can still...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Update: Specials I believe caneghem meant you on average roll 7 hits which will on average cause ~1...
Think what DRmooreflava meant was that a lvl.4 mage gets +4 to dispel and your bound spell gets no bonuses, so rolling a 6 means he only has to...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Update: Heroes a I'd just like to thank Olderplayer for his post above regarding force multipliers...
I plan on running my Saurus 6x4 with spears and the guys I play with have thusfar reached the consensus that PF works with supporting attacks....
DISCLAIMER: Still have not yet got the book! I think the Arc setup on the Bastilladon can be very points-efficient if your planning on using...