Thanks Logic, So, on your own turn, a Arc of Sotek Basitladon does: 2D6 S2 hits to every unit within D6" 2 S4 attacks 1 S10 attack 4 S2 skink...
Can someone with the book clarify what the Arc of Soteks shooting attack is like? Heard a lot of differing versions from rumours....
Well, I must admit I'm crushed, I thought with the insanely low chance of the elf causing wounds/ managing killing blows, combined with my...
Thinking about it now, I think the system for betting on higher up (eg. betting on who will win the final at this stage) doesn't really work. If...
Sorry Strewart, but I bet 20 gold on myself... not 5 as you've listed. Gotta go big before I go home! :smug:
Okay, time to lay down the spread: Eternity Warden (Tomb King) VS Sao (Vampire) Gotta back the Tomb king here, A lot of wounds and toughness plus...
I don't like this trend.... lol C'mon Mr.T! Show them all a dirty smelly Elfy-thing with its little friends and fancy moon-walk can't beat an...
Woohoo! Was so afraid I'd die first round after checking this a couple of times a day ever since it started! Next up is the elf though.......
Wow, the Tomk King winning out was a bit of a suprise result, wasn't sure on the Orc VS Wight King fight, but I thought Strew was in with a chance...
Yeah, I think a fresh start is in order, I think a lot of us have lost steam with this one, so a new game in January sounds good. If thats the...
Hey Xlcontiqu, You've probably been busy with exams/ re-installing etc. But just thought I'd give this a little nudge. ;)
I'm glad you've got your computer up and running again! Having to re-install everything is a bugger though... Do you think we'll have round 1...
"Hmm... this is strange... I had expected the beasties to attack every night, My apologies again m'lord Zantos, twas a poor thing to be pointin'...
And then we might see "Mr. T in the new musical block buster: Dances-with-Elves" coming to an arena near you.... I pity the fools! lol As an...
Aww, now come on, he can dance if he wants to.... He can leave his friends behind... Cause if his friends wont dance, and if they can't dance...
"I'm sorry for leveling the animosity at you master Zantos, I have heard tales where the person infected by the wolf-man curse know not what they...
After the uncomfortable silence, Darian speaks again, "I can think of no definitive evidence as yet, however, I noted master Zantos has once...
You've done well once again Craken! When are we kicking off? Though with more contestants this time around it might take a bit longer... maybe...
Oh? You've lost me there, I was pretty certain there was no way to make a Wight King Ethereal...? :( Wait, Skeleton Steed gives you ethereal...
STAR....... GATE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Fear the implementation of a 3rd choice!!!