I'm itching to have a look at the new tomb kings, I'm seriously thinking about them as army number 4 (oh dear!) Have you also seen the magic...
Hi I'm sorry for the ridiculously slow reply - life has been rather hectic. I hope these help: [attach] Mostly temple guard, scar vet/old blood...
Any game I've ever played we've been flexible with models you use (I actually used 5 40x40 bases 9 bits of paper and a terradon to represent 15...
I like the TG but I do have an issue of them being a major pin cushion when it comes to war machines... When I use them I often go large (25-30)...
Just in case anyone else is in the same situation I've just bought a double case from http://www.krmulticase.co.uk. It arrived VERY quickly (UK...
Dwarves also don't have to pass a leadership to march. The do suffer a -1 to pursue/flee though.
I'm finding this thread interesting as I've been playing lizards for 8 months or so and have recently bought some dwarves. So far I've found the...
I was reading the rulebook the other day and it hinted that the earthquakes which crippled the dwarves was also the slann.
Thanks - I've sent them an email inquiring, this is exactly what I've been looking for.
Has anyone bought any of the gw carry cases for lizards? I'm considering them but I'm worried our larger models like temple guard or spear...
Sorry - ETA = edited to add
I'm a fan of the shield of Plotos(??) on a terradon 2+ save against shooting attacks :)
I usually play 12 in 2 1/2 ranks, makes them a little more vulnerable to shooting but lets you tie up lone wizards in combat for hours because of...
Working it out on mathhammer it's VERY slightly better with javelins at T3, but anything over that the blowpipes get it. However you don't get...
I was vaguely thinking fire...
I've never taken mazdamundi before but I may have the opportunity to (got some 5k pointers coming up). If he's in close combat can he still cast...
I suppose the question is could you resurrect a slann who died in a unit of temple guard (assume duel slann :P)? When you put it like that I...
I'd missed that one too - will have to reconsider them :)
I've been playing a pair of salamanders and would just like to check my understanding and get some help in pinning down where these come from so I...
You're always unsure with skinks until they meet dragons - great way to make a high elf player cry!