I guess my main oponent will be an orcs & Goblin player, but I have no idea of how much he'll invest in characters. I've given some thought of...
The thing is that I really want to find a use fr him as I think the idea of a skink leader (who's not a priest) to be quite cool. But before I...
No, not yet. I'm aiming for a 1500 list for a start. I was going for 1000 first, but the models are pretty expensive so i settled for 1500 ^^
Yes, I'm pretty sure they can. Though they wont get the extra +1 save for handweapons + shield in close combat. --<Edit>-- Just checked the book....
Heh, sniper or assassin. Sounds kind of interesting :) But it seems like a lot of points spent in a character who'll probably not survive the...
yes, I can see that. I thought that it would make a good shock unit with an extra rank. But I think i have to agree that they might be a wee bit...
Just curious, what are your thoughts on him? I've been thinking of getting one or two, but every time I think of them I settle for getting prists...
Hi there! I've finally managed to get som time on my hands to write an armylist . This is the first list i've done and pretty much reflects what...
I remember my Argonians from morrowind. The only complaint I had was that they couldn't use shoes or boots, meaning less magic items :P But the...
Sure I can go with that. If they need to be placed in order or destruction then it's an easy choice, but I feel that they are a bit more on the...
I really hope there'll nevber be such an expansion... I mean seriously? Lizardmen vs. skaven??? ...I would never be able to logg off! Hehehe! No...
I tried that once, never worked out though :/ I've been playing pen-and-paper rpgs for about 12 years so it's no suprise that I gravitate towards...
hehe, I only had to play WoW for 6 months to come to the same conclusion ^^ Still, I enjoy these kinds of games, as long as one doesn't end up...
Have to say that i really loved Morrowind. i liked the entire game with all the various quests, the exploring and the cool races. Sure, it had...
Just curious, is anyone here playing WAR? If so, what do you think of it? I started playing just some days ago and find it quite fun. A bit like...
Hey, Hellbreaker! That doubleweapon is awesome, hope you don't mind me stealing the idea for one or two of my own Saurus characters :)
I've also noticed the wording on the Razordons. I don't think they acctually meannt the entire unit. it wouldn't make any sense that way (even by...
The big red book is the rule book for the 7th ed. that you can buy seperately, the little red book is the smaller rulebook you get in "the battle...
Well you've managed to convince me to get a box of the lil' lizards as soon as possible ^^ I'm still not too sure of the cohorts, but I can see...
Wonderful! Still feels a bit weird that the horned one gets turned into an "ordinary" cold one :S The magical impact hits and terradon...