Probably Knights, Knights and more Knights. Oh and monsterous cav. (Dragon ogers), or atleast somehting like that. Or magic heavy....
So, these are the changes i'll make (when i get around to it.) Ditch 1 unit of chem. Skinks, a terradon unit, do the above changes, ditch a skink...
Oh, you're doing some for other armies? Can you do one for WoC maybe?
Re: 3K Light Cheese list (for taking on DE *shudder*) Well, the huge-ass TG are for points denial, they also have that sun standard, and...
2 words: I want. To be honest, i did start it by getting a hellhammer, but with all of the stuff he's counting as other stuff (a bionicle box lid...
Staff of the lost sun? Used to be like my fav item, still is prety good in my eyes. Out of curiosity, why in different units? Corney ending ;P...
OK well, as far as i can tell, the 5th ED book are made of molten crap (or atleast their binding is) becase every Codex/army book i've gotten in...
For all you people who've posted here, i am annoncing a bother: My oponent is a bother and is deciding to use WOC now. Well, here goes, probably...
Nah, not that soon, first they're re-doing all the Space Marines (im sooooooooooooooo sick of 'em, im even thinking of disowning my army of them...
O_O What'd i do? Was it that joke....? Meh, no hard feelings, i have no idea why they'd lurk if it'd get em killed, but meh.
Wow, that list seems perfect... What lore do you guys recomend taking? And what units should i be looking out for overall? (Besides Hydras, and...