I am doing the same thing as Stormshaft, and was going to link you to that model >< By the way, is that two standards stuck togeather, or is it a...
What this guy said. For this reason, I think it would be way, way, way, way, way bette to Frenzy a Skrox unit with the banner.
And if you're smart, you'd have your Slann within 24" of their main caster, so all you have to deal with i the baby casters (unless they have 2 Lv...
The only problem I can see is that your Slann has to be your general, your Scar-Vet can't be. Unless the rules on generalship has changed since...
Hi, he has it already. Not droping anymore then 1 Scar-Vet, the whole point of this list is to buff them with Beasts, and tear [bleep] up with...
I'm so happy I don't need to worry about those. We have no Power Scroll where I am, and with a Slann with Becalming, it's impossible to IF. So if...
Okay, so some of you guys might have seen my thread in the Tac section about this game, and, even though the date of it has been moved to...
Good, that will tear straight through, well, anything, really. Even Wyssan's is amazing with Saurus.
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower Immagine is the Slann on top had life... Regrowth (hell, even Lifebloom would be...
Oldblood's can't be the BRB. Only Scar-vets, Chiefs and Slann can. I used (when I do actually run mine) an Oldblood with Fencers Blades,...
Lore.... Of..... Beasts.... That.... Thing.....
THe titanic difference is that Krox are purchases with the unit, and there is no possibilty of them not being in the unit one they're bought. The...
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower Ah, fair enough, this would be awesome to see IRL.
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower All true, but don't they also say that they're more-or-less untamable? ;) That's...
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower Thanks, really, it wasn't me though, when I was reading the rules, I immagined...
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. There is a titanic difference between Skrox and BellFurnace units. The Bell/Furnace is a...
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower Just a thought, but you could pile rocks on there (with the Terradon stand) and...
Absolutley made of win awesome. Thanks guys.
Ouch, sounds like quite the unit. Am thinking now that it might be useful to run this against WoC..... Sure, General is LD9, but if he has 2-3...
How do you do that? Doesn't the army book just say that he can choose to mount a "Stegadon with Engine Of The Gods"?