You mean the Krox stop you from being stomped? Can I have a quote to this (if I don't have one, our Ogre player will never believe me) Thanks for...
On the chief, you could give him and extra hand weapon, or maybe a spear and he'd do well against crewman. On a somewhat related note, Terradons...
Well, I have only used a Steg 1 time this ed, and that was an EotG and against elves. So I can't say too much. But after mine got...
Ah okay, I probably should take the CoC when I go Ghost Slann, but I never do >_> Oh damn, well, I was talking from 7th (i've never used them in...
"As soon as the Hell Pit Abomination loses it's last wound, remove the model and place a marker (a coin will do) to mark the death spot" blah blah...
AND the Steg attacks :D Really, it's just a huge amount of S6 everything. (4-19 hits, and like 6 S6 attacks maybe 5, can't remember cheiftan attacks)
I only used to be to have an "even spread" of LD. As in, have my general (Slann) over in x position, and having my BSB help out at y position. Now...
The Stegs will probably suffer from spontanious and pain cannon-death. Main thing with Skaven is that you can't count on anything pivotal....
I never do, as the amount of S6 everything you get on the first round reallly is crippling! As for the Chief's gear, you could try.... I really...
Ah, sweet, that's made of liquified awesome.
Unless we mount a Skink BSB on a Steg. Think of it like this: If you Slann is your BSB and (heaven forbid) his unit fleas, he is F'd. Now, in...
My GG came across this problem when a member wanted to try a Sink list for fun. I told him to treat our % allowances more like he slots of 7th,...
Doesn't Lifebloom only effect characters? Not just multi-wound models? Correct me if i'm wrong, please, because it would make me happy (my rule...
The Thunder Lizard.... Don't think so. These are the things that squish TEMPLE CITIES (well, okay, it was fighting a Giant Squid, but a temple...
'Tis like a disease, I think I might be sticking to race-specific forums now. Here for Lizzie stuff, UE for Skaven.
This. ALWYAS THIS. Love these guys, seeing them when they come out in June ^_^ Rise Agains, Linkin Park, Skillet, My Chemical Romance, Eve 6,...
I think that may be the best idea, or this could go on for ages.... But it'd be fun ;) Yaaaay, maybe I can stop vsing Dwarfs or Delves. Necrons...
WoC, I havn't faced since 7th, so I dunno. I hear he is fielding 24 Warrior squads (an 'anvil' squad with HW+S+MoT and a 'hammer' of Halbers and...
So, you're proposing running multiples of what's considered one of the worst CC units we have (out of ones that will likely end up there,...
And when your whole army (bar some skinks) is I 1-3? You're still losing out on more then 50% of the time (in some cases you're not bieng killed...