*bumps* Here's my updated list. I'm assuming maximum points spent on magic items for all necessary characters, but we can come to that at the...
Oh yeah, good point. Pfffft, good job I just don't have the spare points for three ripper mounted bad assed chiefs!
I was flicking through the BRB over the weekend, and the character section says something along the lines of "...not unusual for ICs to band...
It is weird isn't?! So does this mean that I can't have 3 skink chiefs in a unit of 3?! Or does the rule just mean that a flying cav chief can't...
As I'm still a few points short of my tourney total, I'm upgrading my Ripper unit to an all chief unit. Bit of a point sink but meh, who cares....
Interesting thread, as I'll be having three Level 2 skink priests in my army for my friendly little tourney in feb. But I might pick up another...
That looks a ridiculous amount of fun! But to clarify, by '1 drink' do you mean a swig/sip/mouthful or an actual full drink?!
Hi folks - I haven't posted in a long time, but I'm back with the new book and a friendly tourney (2400pts) just around the corner and I would...
That doesn't bode well - I've very nearly smashed my half built steg to pieces on numerous occasions! And I want some Rippers now that I've...
Thanks Cravenus. I'll give the ultramarines dry brush a go, as I have that shade to hand! The eyes on your green slann are excellent.
Hi folks, I'm painting my COC blue. I've base coated them in Mordian, but I'm not quite sure what to do next. I think a blue wash would be too...
So, this was my first game in a very long time. It was really just to acquaint me with the rules, but it was fun never the less. After this intro...
Great advice, Battlehamster. Thanks. I am very limited in my troop selection at the moment, as I only have the Batallion boxed set miniatures. I...
Hello my scaly chums. I'm having my first game of WHFB tonight, using my LM batallion (currently being painted). I'll be facing Chaos (nurgle),...
I thought it was just me! Cheers guys, feel much better now! FTR, I have left off all shields to add after painting. RE the cavalry. Yeah,...
I've very nearly finished gluing my Batallion together. It has been without doubt the least amount of fun I've ever had doing anything GW based!...
The Vaccines. Failing that, Kasabian ans as a last resort, XFM Manchester. Need to get some painting tunage sorted though. I used to listen to...
DOH, of course! Cheers, and thanks for moving to an appropriate platform. Still finding my way around :)
I'm a tight git, and balk at forking out £45 for the WHFB rule book. Well, I have more Lizardmen to buy! So, would anyone happen to have an IoB...