Supporting attacks can make up a large portion of the damage output of ranked up units. With the way the rules are set up for skrox, only the...
Surprised no one's linked to any music tracks from the movie Apocalypto yet...
Yes. There are many, many reasons this shouldn't work, foremost among them that no one in their right mind will agree to play against you ever...
The snake shooting attack isn't poisoned; it's 2d6 auto hits, and since you're not rolling to hit, you can't do poison.
Does the increase in mobility compensate for the lack of equipment he can take as opposed to a cowboy type build? Gotta say, I'm intrigued, but...
A couple more Magic Artillery type relics. Any kind of interaction between them would be great (powering each other up, and so on). Nothing...
I'd buy a box of Cold One Riders and use bits from other boxes (Temple Guard) to convert them. Chakax is a great figure, but it would take some...
This seems like a ton of fun, and will probably surprise the heck out of a lot of players the first time they see it. Give us some battle...
Yes! This!
Yeah, I'd make a new thread, and be very specific in both title and original post what kind of feedback you want.
And now I am officially taking Elf Magic every time I face them. I cannot tell you how much I hate that Shield of Saphery lore attribute;...
An interesting comparison is the razordon with extra handler, to a unit of 10 skink skirmishers for the same points cost. Rare versus Core Move...
Thanks, guys. I needed to hear that. Never fear, on payday I'm going after a Basiladon and the new skink priest model. My Lizardmen won me the...
The GW models for the manticore, hydra, chimera, and any variety of dragon all come on 50x100 mm bases, so I'd say you'd be fine to just stick...
I'd say drop the Transcendent Healing and give him the magic resist 2 item for the same cost if you are worried about sniping spells. You can heal...
That's exactly right, as I read it.
I'd skip the level 2 on the skink priest and use the points elswhere. You really want him for the signature spell, and the +1 to cast isn't that...
Fluff wise, I'd say a CoR core makes a lot of sense. Sure, proportionally there are fewer of them in the Lizardman empire, but say a threat has...
Can I still get him if it's the White Lion command , not a BSB character, that's carrying the banner? Also, I was running on the assumption that...
We don't have much to go on other than the precedence set by other army books for determining if Cold One riders as core would be appropriate....