I'm going to have a go at High Elves again later today, and try to give the Bastiladon a fair shake. I'd like to thin out the White Lions with...
Engine of the Gods -1 to cast only works on BRB lores, not High Magic, so not even that will help. Power Scroll does halve the casting cost of an...
It's on page 5 of the FAQ on Games Workshop's web site, under Magic. Basically, there can never be more than one attempt to dispel something per...
Just wanted to give my infinite thanks for this review, Caneghem. I was pretty despondent about the new book for a while, but your analysis has...
I've been working my way through the five stages of grief following our book release: Denial- "Hey, this isn't too bad... Right? My favorite...
You do lose concentration, regardless of modifiers, on a natural dispel roll of 1-2. Big rule book book page 35, under "Dispel Value". Beam of...
Yes, that is exactly why GW doesn't listen to people's opinions. It is also why we have a terrible new book. No ill will intended mate, but If...
Excellent post! Concise explanation; gave me a lot to think about. Thanks!
Our Rare choices are sorely lacking; move Bastiladon there and give him an appropriate stat line (M4 WS3 BS0 S5 T6 W5 I1 A4 LD6), and a reasonable...
I look at the Tomb King book as a noble failure. They added a lot of really great new models and rules, and some truly fun and interesting game...
Nope. I spent a good couple of days reading the new book and writing lists before I punched anything up on the interwebz, trying to form an...
Thanks for the analysis, Hunted. The M4 on bastiladon would be fine, if not for the surprising frailty of something that's supposed to be a...
No. You only shoot at -1 long range if they start their charge at or outside the long range of your weapon. The 7th paragraph on pg. 17 of the...
Purple Sun is the best thing I can think of. FAQ about magical vortexes and the rules for Rune Maw make it clear that the banner can't stop it....
I'd be awfully tempted to change out the new stegadon chief's gear for the War Spear. If he's running a full fledged combat character the chief...
One other thing, if you're expecting a hoard of Ogres, remember that most or all of the characters will usually be in the unit to force you to...
As an Ogre player myself, nothing is as scary as Lore of Shadows. Pit of Shades can cause horrific damage to his army even in the short time it...
I've used fire a few times, and it was incredibly fun, though nowhere near the sickening powerhouse that is Lore of Shadows. But Fun>Win in my...
The Hellheart item text says that special rules/items that can affect a normal miscast roll may be used. RAW, some/many Ogre players argue that a...
Not true as of 8th ed. Page 54 BRB. Stubborn/steadfast units may use the general's unmodified LD if he's in range.