I use them to tar pit white lions. Their S6 attacks are wasted on skinks, and a big cheap unit like that is great for holding them in place until...
The soundtrack for the film Apocalypto is thematically perfect for our army. I listen to it while writing army lists or painting.
The nastiest combat unit I've yet encountered in the game: 50+ Hoard of HE spearmen with Occam's Mindrazor cast on them. Take an archmage with...
Looks awesome! You could probably use whatever rule set you wanted for it. Can't wait to see it painted.
Lore of Metal is wicked against Knights. Nothing blows through KotR like the signature spell, and his paladins will fail look out sir against...
I'm glad some folks enjoy the new features, but as hard as I try I can't convince myself to like anything about this expansion. The stupid magic...
Why can't it be Storm of Well Executed Strategies or something? Magic was already getting annoying in 8th ed. While I like playing the odds as...
Strewart, any chance of getting a link to that letter from the GW CEO? I'd love to hear how they're trying to spin this.
The downside to Fencers Blades + riding a cold one is that you won't get the extra attack out of it. Still, not a bad option for neutralizing...
Well... That sums it up pretty well right there. +1, troubled_joe!
Of course it can pivot and fire, but not pivot and then charge- killing the skinks in combat was the issue at hand. I'd think it would usually...
I've been rolling 4D6, dropping the highest. I'm fine with it, opponent is fine with it, everyone has fun. At 'Ardboyz or something, I'd...
I just tried Light against the new Tomb King book. 1-shot killed a colossus with +burning gaze, whittled away at the king's bodyguard with...
In their army book, Skulltaker just has regular killing blow all the time, like the other bloodletters/ Khorne Heralds. Only in a challenge does...
Unless the enemy specifically attacks him, or you didn't take a champion in the first place. I got the impression here that the champion fell...
It'd be more acceptable in a different game setting, but the whole Warhammer storyline is fairly dark and gritty. Throwing "clever" character...
Your FAQ is current and correct: The banner makes the general +1 leadership, and he can share it with other units. It even works if the unit...
Don't underestimate the chameleons. Even if they don't kill it outright, it'll have to spend one turn not shooting in order to face them if you...
Chakax doesn't have HKB... As far as I know, the only things that currently have heroic killing blow in the game are: Skulltaker Brettonian with...
I keep leaning toward Shadow for my lore against them. Mindrazor should fix that Sphinx in a hurry, and Pit ought to be good against their bigger...