Ouch. :)
How did I let myself get behind again. 7 page binge to catch up. @Qupakoco , I think @Bracnos ' life is more interesting than ours, Summer or...
I just voted. 3 stories demanded a vote from me and then I agonised over the other two. I and already have regrets. Just one more vote and I...
It's OK. My eggshell protects me from ideas.
By the twitching of my claws, something critiquey this way draws. Cackle cackle. 16 stories and not a sincere bad word can be said about any....
Your daemon makes me look forward to the Alien prequel due in May. And He is so happy to be unleashed. Love it!
7 stories read. Words cannot express the awesome, so I will use apostrophes. ''''''''!''' '' ' ''' '':nailbiting:"
Who is the President of Diego Garcia these days? I haven't heard much about them.
Competition hosting 10/10 Accountancy 6/10 No wonder you don't finish work until 11pm
You are all doomed. Entry Entered. Mwahahahahaha!
Hey! Where are my sympathy tortillas???? Don't share unless you've got enough to go round :mad:
25 pages of Just for Laughs. One sitting. Up to date
I've known the Supreme One for longest. I suggest you just put up a curtain.
There will always be bamboo.
Wait, now they are finishing each other's sentences - in the wrong order...???
Holy Avatar Swap, Batman! It's like some kind of clue!
Hooray! I came second. @Bowser, you were a worthy opponent. Oh, and Congratulations, @Essmir
"And then the warmblooded interlopers died at the hands of the glorious lizardmen" Just a suggestion for a wrap up. If you want to keep writing...
You are too kind, Scaly. I feel like I should have had a similar Trump and Hillary related thread, but discussions about that were dominated by a...