All three entries were inspired by original fiction works on this very website, and if you haven't read them yet, you really should. @Essmir has...
We of the Priests of Aartifartzi like to refer to ourselves in third person AND plural, and we also have a relaxed attitude to late entries. If...
We Honour the Old One Aartzifartzi with sacrifices of fresh art. He / she / it was pleased with these offerings. The theme/s for the competition...
You got me there. :(
I caused untold suffering. Where is my prize?
That guy is going to struggle to do any of those things.
And my subjects are cold. They must be standing in the nude somewhere.
From what I know about you, and what I know about Suicide Squad, you are probably the dodgy looking one.
Before Y'ttar Scaletail reveals his paw - he has vaguely talked about a newly commisioned avatar based on a character in one of these stories. I...
I feel bad about all the illustrations I started for this story comp and haven't had the resources to complete. Maybe I'll get some up during...
Consarnit, Y'ttar. It is going to be very hard for me to justify ever rough sketching another pose and camera angle, now that I've seen what hero...
Ah, I finally found the topical picture - titled "This is Lustria!" [IMG] @ZaGreekie 's Friend of Bob image, inspired by this.
You have a terrific eye for these. I still don't want to play Pokemon.
Aha! I have traced the trail of Llama spittle from the short story comp back to here, of all places. Proving that the Llama is the Stig! (or...
This implies you are a masochist as well as a sadist. Excellent constructive critiquery as usual. I'm glad you tied up the scores on the...
Go back to your studies, young lizard.
This is madness!!!!!
Ohhhh. Makes perfect sense. These stories are more cryptic than the (absent) author guesses. You might have got it across by saying "by your...
Priest Tetto'eko also had a successful rock career before turning his eyes to astrophysics. Just like Brian May.
N810!. They are sparkles, not speckles!