Cool thx
What if I made a conversion ie skink handlers controlling a dark elf hydra? Would I be able to argue that the model should have the Skink keyword...
Aos is ok, and excellent for character vs character battles as it removes generic rules (mostly) and allows models to be unique. But many...
Yes. The main problem with wounds is Lord Kroak. Also, no way is a 20 wound behemoth such as Archaon (yes I have been checking out the competition...
Ooh, snazzy. I bet he was pleased with it.
I was thinking about maybe setting up a tournament/campaign but this rule set is too good to let go to waste so I AM now making a campaign. Can I...
Thanks for the pic, if you ever need any minor help, just ask.
I feel swaggier already!
Oh dear that wasnt the face I chose. Sorry! Seriously its very impressive. I want it.
It's glorious. 8-)
The second post was exactly what I eant I phrased it very badly. Sorry for the newbie-ness, I havent had chance to play many aos battles yet but I...
Hang on a sec, I have saurus knights, 2 stegadons(1 is Eotg), and some classic saurus that I need to paint. Which would be best with the paints...
Wow... I need to do more campaigns...
Couldnt you just take a lizard and impose rock texture over it, similar to what you did with the chameleon thingy on the last page?...
Do battalion rules count if you have surplus models to the battalion? Just a musing but I need answers! Also guys, if in conflict just agree to...
Now that raises a question - do battalion rules count if you have surplus models to the battalion? Dont answer here, its just me musing. Ill start...
@spawning of Bob, I would like that very much!
Couldn't earthblood affect everything? Th unit gets regeneration, the wizard leaves and is replaced by a friendly character ( who gets...
This is not a a bad idea actually. I know what you mean about the paints, they do seem to change colour as they dry. I have been disappointed...
I think the best one there is the Golden Coatl. I really like it