wow very nice mate, youve done a great job!
i have the same problem with my WOC army book.
thats a good point, but sadly the lizardmen army is not one which often outnumbers the opponent. that makes this harder or near impossible for us,...
haha yeah thats like my step-bro. hes been playing for three years and he just finished one unit of dwarves. he is a perfectionist as well :P
theyre looking pretty good so far, id like to see how they turn out!
i wont deny, your skill is really good, however im not a big fan of the colors on the cold one. i do like your skinks though :D
ugh Twilight *shudders* corrupting the image of vampires and werewolves. ah but that is another topic for another time
the two (in my opinion) are apples and oranges. you really cant compare them at all, as they are both for completely different things. Slann...
well the daemons can no longer be joined with the chaos warriors. thats pretty much final. the Daemons of chaos still have their lord of change...
welcome to the forums :D im sure you'll find everything here very useful. and since you mentioned you're more into painting, i suggest you check...
thanks for the replies, really cleared that up for me :)
i cant seem to find the model on the games workshop site anywhere. did they stop making it? because im sure ive seen it there before, and there...
all i can say is damn, nice skinks
Strewart, you mentioned a couple of rp games, one being Kights of the Old Republic and the other being Baldur's Gate. Ive played KotOR but...
im better than you because... i managed to kick my addiction to World of Warcraft (its like pulling off a band aid, you know it'll hurt a bit (if...
yeah no it helped alot. D&D sounds interesting, and id probably give it a try, its just my friends arent... in to that kind of stuff. i kinda...
>.< i know how you feel buddy. trust me, just buy the terradons, or else get some other flying unit. if your opponent is as good at his cannon...
you have a good point there with the magnets. it seems everything can be solved with magnets in WHFB.
i got into WHFB... in may. so im almost as fresh a newb as can be. Im proud to say i have a solid understanding of the rules however, and plan on...
haha i think im going to buy some of those toy pterradons from Micheal's and convert them. i could probably get them for 3 dollars each there!