yeah no problem. the basic idea of this is to help familiarize with movement and deployment, so really anything will do. idk about everyone else,...
yeah i think that would be great. so far out of three games ive lost 3 and won none, most of my errors being in either deployment or in movement....
my two all time favorite models of the Lizardmen are the Slann Mage-Priest and Kroq Gar and his Carnosaur. the fluff behind the slann is just so...
so you brought up a good point on deployment and i agree that this is equally important to the movement phase. that said id like to ask about a...
not to shoot down your enthusiasm strewart, but when your opponent has three cannons and the grudge thrower is only one of them, it really comes...
I'm a little confused and annoyed with games workshop about this. The terradon model that we buy off the GW website only contains one terradon for...
i have heard this phrase so many times that... well ive heard it alot just exactly does this mean for the Lizardmen? how can this be true for us?...
I have to put my input in here, I feel that skinks are amazing units, and incredibly good at what they do. unfortunatly, they are quite squishy,...
about the 15 saurus, i can see where your doubts would arise, but believe it or not, when my saurus actually get into battle i fare quite well...
Nice work so far, i really like the skink colors so far. also really like the Cold one color scheme. what colors did you use to get that greenish...
well you asked so here are a couple of lists ive been working on. granted not all are done, and yes, they are supposed to be magically strong....
As to your first question, it depends on what the players agree on before the game begins. you could by all means have a game where the magic...
Unfortunately, Dwarfs are the only race I can play, at least until i can get a car and drive myself to a GW. Or if his gf finishes her chaos army,...
I was thinking of starting a WoC army, but unfortunately i cant really tell what kind of tactics they use from the GW website. Basically i was...
looks great. i was going for the same color scheme except the crests are red, and the color of their back and skin are reversed from what you...
sorry but i dont quite understand what you mean here. he had two cannons (reg. cannon and organ gun) and a grudge thrower.
I havent really played cold ones enough to really give you a good opinion, so dont trust just me. But personally my observations of cold ones has...
Dwarven Battle Report. Part Two! Well things are looking up! im just about to charge on the left with my Saurus and back them up with my temple...
Step 1: buy a piece of plywood board that is regulation length and width. What i did was buy two separate boards that when put next to each other...
Thank you for the sympathies of me having to face thorek Ironbrow my first game. Honestly, i underestimated him and that was my downfall (along...