Alright well my friend and I enjoyed a battle of Dwarfs versus Lizardmen last night. it took about 3 or 4 hours and ended at 3 in the morning....
yes... cant you take two of the same item as long as its for two different characters?
*hangs head in shame* wow thats an amazing army. the color choices are great and your skink conversions are really clever lol. im ashamed to even...
oh yes >.< 1996 lol. sorry about that
ok this is my magic heavy Lizardman list that i decided to go with Slann Mage-Priest= 275 points Divine Plaque of Protection, 3 DoAs, Itixi...
well, when i make an army list, i start in one of two places, with the core and the essentials i need, or with one or two units that i want. then...
would it be considered cheesy for my slann to take the Higher state of COnsciousness DoA against my friends dwarfs?
at the risk of seeming a fool, by this do you mean one Slann can take multiple spells from different lores? in one battle?
haha ive been so focus on getting 2k points that i forgot you could push the point limit. you're right i could drop chakax (hes a pretty expensive...
well it amounts to ten seeing as theres two units of fifteen, and im already dropping 50 points for something else. this was the easiest way to do...
well this is very important to my 2k point army, and it determines whether or not i can afford that second skink priest. so basically here is my...
Re: How to Handle Cheese (Updated: July 6th, '09) i hate to be the noob of this forum, but why exactly are they called "cheesers" i mean, i...
could someone please explain the basic concept of the game? ive wondered how to play for quite some time, and it seems very interesting.
i really like the palanquin for Tetto Eko. very cool. are you planning on using him in your army? or is this more of a... how can i say this......
My first real game of Warhammer is going to be against a seasoned Dwarf army player (he's been collecting for three years now) and as soon as i...
haha im on the left, sorry. naw im not swedish. actually i live in Virginia. didnt know i looked Swedish.
no i was under the impression that there were more carnosaur models that could be played in a game besides the one with Kroq gor. Here was my...
since you mentioned it, i havent seen carnosaurs other than the Hero one Kroq gar. do we have to buy many kroq gar and convert him to normal...
what was the forum or site you were referring to here? im kind of confused
wondering if people could post pictures of their uniquely painted Slann, Steggies and chakaxs here. i prefer to paint my lizardmen army in dif...