I believe the attacker wounds on the skink toughness, but you get the Krox armor save. I have never liked the skrox units because of how confusing...
with the general being the old blood, you are going to want more protections on him. you have 500 points to spend on him. could kit him up on a...
sweet! great colors. from what is his base made?
can never go wrong with more skinks. Battalion only comes with 12 and thats barely enough to make 1 unit. at least get another box of them. or you...
neat! I would still want a little more shooty to balance out the need for magic. thanks for digging that up though n810.
here's an article as well: http://www.highelves.net/a-first-look-at-warhammer-8th-edition-high-elves-tactics/
I'd cast my vote for either light or life. fire isn't bad with the lower casting costs and low T on the elves though, but it is a mediocre lore IMHO.
I have a just for fun list prepared with 18 krox ready to go in horde formation. I don't expect to win. My friends and I are playing a "gimmick...
flying heavy = laden swallow
all slaves! :)
Re: Spawning of Bob: History's Least Successful Skaven Invas coming up between two armies advancing on each other, like when the clansmen in...
sallies aren't as snack dependent as the razordons. I don't know how challenging the slann works in the TG unit. if you decline, where he goes...
slick looking model. i like the work on the bone accents particularly. well done
its like a molten lizard! pretty awesome scheme bro. great work
d8 artillery? yes please!
HE will be able to chomp thru ethereals. Bad for VC and lone slann players w/ higher state
speaking of dice and brains, this is a fun game to play:...
i'd dump the CoC and beef the slann and maybe do another shooter rank maybe.
load up on magic and shooting. he won't have anything that can stand up to the poisoned attacks. Beastman have terrible armor saves
Re: Spawning of Bob - Historys Least Successful Skaven Invas I was scrolling through almost certain that n810 was going to have his ASF reply....