Forlustria posted an excelent response saying the same thing I just typed, but shorter and more to the point :( My post: And this is why the...
Clarification in order of operations style: Argument FOR predatory fighter in support: +X Attack changes the number of attacks a model can make...
Sleboda sort of clarified what I was already saying, you just reach a different conclusion. If something is normally implied, and a rule goes out...
"Whenever a model with this special rule rolls a 6 To Hit in Close Combat, it immediately makes another Attack" is very different from the model...
Bringing up other rules that grant extra attacks is completely off point. PF specifies every attack, which one can reasonably assume means every...
Continually saying the same thing does not seem to be helping either side. I like what GCPD said: And Sleboda, don't get upset if your opponent...
Just to point out, smiting and +2 attack sword both give the model additional attacks, which is cancelled by the "1 only" rule. However, PF does...
Actually I was up to 2,500 points for the empire, vampire counts and now I just played a demons of chaos. My army: Lords: Slann w/ all lore...
I think it was the actual model. It basically looked like an armored carriage with two stubby little turrets. I just wasn't thinking. Opponents...
I have found that wandering deliberations wins me games. Throwing out 4-5 spells each turn (some with 1-2 dice) is awesome. Spirit leech killed a...
Well I am a beginner to warhammer, painting and converting, but since I am also a cheapskate I am finding ways to make my bucks go further....
What prompted the two regular stegs instead of an ancient? Points or preference?
Sounds like good advice. I have been doing more greenstuff work, so it will probably have to wait since I now have all the skinks on and it is...
You ran 12 chameleon skink in a unit? Is that better than running two units of 6? I see a lot of disparaging remarks against razordons, and I was...
Yes, I am posting 2 games in rapid succession. The fiance is still asleep and I have run out of shows on Netflix that I am allowed to watch...
I played my first game of warhammer about a month ago against the old dwarfs. I had only built enough units to field a 1500 point army and the guy...
Yeah, some of the rules are just plain silly. The skink chief knows how to fire blowpipes, use a sword, throw javelins, dual weapons, but a really...
Thanks Sleboda, I know that probably took longer than others were willing to devote to correct a new player :) I did not think saurus got 2...
When I reread this post it comes off as sarcasm. I am not being sarcastic, just trying to clarify others' positions (at this point I think I have...
Opposing Argument: It says no special rule. It is very clear. My Argument: Yes, that basic rule is clear, but Advanced Rules override basic rules,...