For page 134? I quoted it word for word from the rulebook. It says that there is only one rule in the book that is not contradicted by the...
I am never a fan of ignoring the rule because it might benefit my opponent, they can FAQ those spells too. As I said, I started this in Rules...
I read that rule. I also read the rule on page 11 that says to ignore it. Army book wins. For supporting attacks it does not say "Special rules...
=> That one is even more clear than the one above. Wishful thinking aside, it's just not within the rules. In fact, it's directly forbidden. I...
If they don't want players to use the BS of the chief for the bow, they should have put out those intructions. As it is, until there is a FAQ,...
I keep seeing on these boards people saying PF doesn't work in supporting ranks, but on page 11 of the Warhammer Rulebook it specifically says...
Hurting yourself because GW didn't write things properly. Ouch. I am the opposite because many of their units become worthless that way. Based on...
"He was a real champ today. I tried to combat reform after the first round vs Kharybdiss so that I could present his rear and get the attack that...
On a 2000 point list you can have Carnosaur Old Blood general Skink Chief on Stegadon with BSB (I know there is argument whether the chief can use...
Now that I have a solid job I have decided I can begin investing in this incredibly expensive hobby. For my first conversion, I took the extra...
I do not have the dwarf book, so if "on a 4+, the enemy spell is lost to the Wizard casting it and cannot be cast by him for the rest of the...
I think it needs a FAQ. Some people are interpreting the rune as being two powers, instead of clarifying what "lost" means. I would disagree with...
Where does it say that it is only an exception to that one circumstance? Considering his other rules I would assume it was meant to cast the spell...
The dwarven rune says that they cannot cast the spell the rest of the game. Lord Kroak says that "Lord Kroak can cast The Deliverence of Itza as...
Hey All, I am just starting into WFB and was hoping I could get some feedback on my first army list. Lord: Lore of Life Slaan Disciplines:...