I would almost be tempted to pickup another bastilidon. I run 2 nearly every game now. High magic - tempest his shooty stuff. Declare charges...
Have any idea what sort of list your O+G is going to run? What lore are you thinking of taking?
Firstly - Do you have enough CORE there? Secondly - If your skink cheif has the swiftstride banner he wont be able to take the magic item for 2...
Can i ask what you've used to make your report? The images? Epic game :D Hope to read more JP
Only recently joint the forum but im quite an active player. I have lots of games and played my first tornement this year if people are interested...
Thanks buddy :) dreadsaurian far from finished! Bastilidon needs it's skinks and base finished and then the arc is ready to be attached :)
Just realised all the pics look so much better on my phone.... will haev to get some more soon! :) Picked up some temple gaurd today too >:)...
That looks epic buddy!!
Anything that makes them take leadership checks ;)
Sadly signing in on my phone means I havent found a way to share my pictures yet. But lizards have drawn me away from my orcs and goblins army for...