Re: Dumbledore's Army (Link to report with LOADS of pictures) Thank you very much with regards to my slann. Nah I'm happy with two units of 3...
Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list) I had a game against OnG. Here's a report by my opponent with lots of pictures:...
The only issue will be base size. As long as the skinks are on 25mm instead of 20mm bases it should be fine.
VOTE: hellbreaker OOC: NICE work dreadgrass, very good spot
Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list) I'm about to play possibly the filthiest daemon list (kairos, blue scribes, horrors, flesh...
Part of the rules for HE is that they get more special/rare choices and less core. Something like 2 core, 6 special and 4 rare slots at 2k. The...
You don't need to see them with many lores. Fire can either be channeled or dos not require line of sight (wall of fire). Unseen lurker does not...
Guys the terradons would OBVIOUSLY jump up onto the skinks' backs and scoot around at m6 that way.
Genius wheels! Very nice conversion all round.
Yup it effects the mount, it says so specifically in the armybook if i remember correctly. In the bret FAQ it says that items that improve the...
Yes, I planned a DE cav army. 3 or 4 units of 5 dark riders with musician and crossbows. 2 units of harpies. 2 units of cold one knights, one with...
WoC have plenty of strong, cheap offensive units. Chariots cost 120 points and a unit of knights costs 200 and are best naked. I am a maths...
Agreed, krox should be good. As the game escalates keep them at 3 krox. 4 krox is a bit unwieldy to maneuver IMO.
VaulSC is very good and does the same format as the bretonnia guy above but I HATE the bluetable ones. They completely lack focus.
Great report. You guys have a good system of breaking it down after each turn. The only video reports I've seen that are better aren't really...
You will 100% want becalming cogitation on the slann. Drop 6's will hurt his raise-spam by a great deal.
You miss the point of his oldblood build. The point is wardrums, so that he can charge the knights in the flank. That gains you another 1CR and...
Ignore the "silly comp" comments, they are not thought through. If all armies are comped down to the same level then it is not an issue at all and...
I'd imagine that even with the engine wardsave you'd have trouble with a DE magic-gunline. 2 to 4 boltthrowers, 3 units of repeater crossbows and...
Get your HE ally to take the banner of sorcery with his dragon princes and take a LvL2 who can choose his own spells so that he can take metal...