I followed the druchii/asrai battle. The druchii analysis was fantastic, here's the first turn:...
If you use a cold one rider (preferably your champion model) as a Scar Veteran you could run this list: Scar Vet - cold one, light armour,...
I run both and I say terradons 110%. They are my MVP every game. I have two units of 3 and would use more if I could. They truly allow us to...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy Wonderful conversions and what hellbreaker says regarding the saddle position is quite correct. However I...
As far as I'm aware you can only shoot at the frontal arc.
Oh what the hell... I'm in. Am excited to decipher the new marking system. I hope people try to look for marks a bit more this time than go on...
Think that it might not be the case. Pit swallows war machines which as far as I know are separate from their crew. Multi-part models, eg our...
Pit of shades FAQ supports that.
I had a ring that gave permanent water breathing and one that gave night vision. Things like that are really handy. Plus a set of items bound with...
It's like morrowind but with a blessed travel system and slightly more convenient leveling. Not to mention gorgeous graphics.
scar vet = scar veteran LA = light armour Sh = shield (so he has 2+ save in close combat if he uses hand weapon and shield instead of GW) GW =...
I actually run a reasonably similar 2k list and like it very much. The solo slann is good. Give him bane head (for hurting characters if you do a...
It says it plain and clear in the rulebook if anyone cared to look. On the lords page (p91) under Lords' and Heroes' mounts it says "Terradon...
Same as I deal with everything else! Avoid and blow up/impale with scores of poisoned darts. So lead any furnaces/bells around with terradons or...
khorne doesn't give MR for WOC, that's daemons you're thinking of. A slann with metal is the way to go. Bane head is a must! Even without power...
Only if all were in range. What you could also do is run: Skink chief, Ancient Steg, Staff of the Lost Sun Skink chief, Ancient Steg Skink chief,...
Only the US of the fear-causers count I think. So it would be the US of the krox, not the US of the krox+skinks
Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list) One of my local stores is just starting a 1k fantasy league. I played a practice game against...
I'm currently greenstuffing all 20 of my saurus to hqve third arms so that they hqve spears, shield, and additional HW's. Two ranks fighting that...
Is there any chance that you could send me the other new pdf? Also PLEASE show us your dark elves! I for one would be fascinated to see how you...