Wonderful work wapp. Two things impress me the most. Firstly that the whole army is painted as if lit by an unusually warm sunlight and secondly...
A unit or two of marauder horsemen, with the mark of slannesh. A hellcanon could be good for a flank. Another unit of knights could be good....
It means army builder!
I noticed the cc weapons, but not the ranged ones, and warned everyone. BUT DID THEY LISTEN TO PLAIN EVIDENCE... OH NO Good game!
One amusing thing is to shoot a deathstar with salamanders every round. If they panic that's a massive blow to them. Also remember steg impact...
Did you guys have to make a reference or code like that to kill or was that "stab" just for fun?
Was there a codeword they had to use to kill or anything, or any obvious clues?
What deathstars does the DE player run? Shade deathstar is the nastiest (MR, hotec, ASF with an assassin and with over 60 shots a round...
Against VC you'll want becalming cogitation on your slann... suddenly one dice spam is a lot less viable on his lord
Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list) I played two games on Sunday, both against wonderful opponents at 1.5k points. The first was a...
That game is incredible. The assassins and thieves guild are insanely fun (assassins is a bit hard to join, I think you have to murder someone for...
ASF doesn't matter, it would be handy for when bears is down anyway. The ASF weapon is just really vaguely worded.
I just posted this idea on druchii.net (I know, revealing secrets to our enemies!) and don't think I've seen it here, so here it goes. For 3k I...
Oh! One thing I would change. I didn't notice at first but your saurus really could do with spears. Drop the unit down to 12 (to be run 6x2, my...
A perfect 500 point list. I'd say terradons are our best unit in gameplay terms and although I am not a fan of using skink chiefs for anything...
Re: Dumbledore's Army (more games this weekend) In response to pixel I have been considering lowering the volume of skirmishers in my army, but...
You and your complimentary colours! The horns on the terradon, the small bracelets and javelin-head on the skinks... This model is far far nicer...
Not always so with the engine imo, I have found that mine has been most useful for clearing up on turns 4-6, so I if facing a heavy shooting army...
If you have two you can use one to obscure vision of another in a "T" formation (the front one pivots so that it is perpendicular to the one...
If you had the kind of money to blow on that without caring you wouldn't need to fix your car and you'd buy the other cheaper, better terrain too,...